
1use crate::metadata::{IoTypeMetadataKind, MAX_METADATA_CAPACITY, concat_metadata_sources};
2use crate::trivial_type::TrivialType;
3use crate::{DerefWrapper, IoType, IoTypeOptional};
4use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
5use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
6use core::ptr::NonNull;
7use core::{ptr, slice};
9/// Container for storing variable number of elements.
11/// `RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION` is what is being used when a host needs to allocate memory for call
12/// into guest, but guest may receive an allocation with more or less memory in practice depending
13/// on other circumstances, like when called from another contract with specific allocation
14/// specified.
17pub struct VariableElements<Element, const RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION: u32 = 0>
19    Element: TrivialType,
21    elements: NonNull<Element>,
22    size: NonNull<u32>,
23    capacity: u32,
26unsafe impl<Element, const RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION: u32> IoType
27    for VariableElements<Element, RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION>
29    Element: TrivialType,
31    const METADATA: &[u8] = {
32        const fn metadata(
33            recommended_allocation: u32,
34            inner_metadata: &[u8],
35        ) -> ([u8; MAX_METADATA_CAPACITY], usize) {
36            if recommended_allocation == 0 {
37                return concat_metadata_sources(&[
38                    &[IoTypeMetadataKind::VariableElements0 as u8],
39                    inner_metadata,
40                ]);
41            }
43            let (io_type, size_bytes) = if recommended_allocation < 2u32.pow(8) {
44                (IoTypeMetadataKind::VariableElements8b, 1)
45            } else if recommended_allocation < 2u32.pow(16) {
46                (IoTypeMetadataKind::VariableElements16b, 2)
47            } else {
48                (IoTypeMetadataKind::VariableElements32b, 4)
49            };
51            concat_metadata_sources(&[
52                &[io_type as u8],
53                recommended_allocation.to_le_bytes().split_at(size_bytes).0,
54                inner_metadata,
55            ])
56        }
58        // Strange syntax to allow Rust to extend the lifetime of metadata scratch automatically
59        metadata(RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION, Element::METADATA)
60            .0
61            .split_at(metadata(RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION, Element::METADATA).1)
62            .0
63    };
65    // TODO: Use `[Element; RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION as usize]` once stabilized `generic_const_exprs`
66    //  allows us to do so
67    type PointerType = Element;
69    #[inline(always)]
70    fn size(&self) -> u32 {
71        self.size()
72    }
74    #[inline(always)]
75    unsafe fn size_ptr(&self) -> impl Deref<Target = NonNull<u32>> {
76        DerefWrapper(self.size)
77    }
79    #[inline(always)]
80    unsafe fn size_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> impl DerefMut<Target = *mut u32> {
81        DerefWrapper(self.size.as_ptr())
82    }
84    #[inline(always)]
85    fn capacity(&self) -> u32 {
86        self.capacity
87    }
89    #[inline(always)]
90    unsafe fn capacity_ptr(&self) -> impl Deref<Target = NonNull<u32>> {
91        DerefWrapper(NonNull::from_ref(&self.capacity))
92    }
94    #[inline(always)]
95    #[track_caller]
96    unsafe fn set_size(&mut self, size: u32) {
97        debug_assert!(
98            size <= self.capacity,
99            "`set_size` called with invalid input {size} for capacity {}",
100            self.capacity
101        );
102        debug_assert_eq!(
103            size % Element::SIZE,
104            0,
105            "`set_size` called with invalid input {size} for element size {}",
106            Element::SIZE
107        );
109        // SAFETY: guaranteed to be initialized by constructors
110        unsafe {
111            self.size.write(size);
112        }
113    }
115    #[inline(always)]
116    #[track_caller]
117    unsafe fn from_ptr<'a>(
118        ptr: &'a NonNull<Self::PointerType>,
119        size: &'a u32,
120        capacity: u32,
121    ) -> impl Deref<Target = Self> + 'a {
122        debug_assert!(ptr.is_aligned(), "Misaligned pointer");
123        debug_assert!(
124            *size <= capacity,
125            "Size {size} must not exceed capacity {capacity}"
126        );
127        debug_assert_eq!(
128            size % Element::SIZE,
129            0,
130            "Size {size} is invalid for element size {}",
131            Element::SIZE
132        );
134        DerefWrapper(Self {
135            elements: *ptr,
136            size: NonNull::from_ref(size),
137            capacity,
138        })
139    }
141    #[inline(always)]
142    #[track_caller]
143    unsafe fn from_mut_ptr<'a>(
144        ptr: &'a mut NonNull<Self::PointerType>,
145        size: &'a mut *mut u32,
146        capacity: u32,
147    ) -> impl DerefMut<Target = Self> + 'a {
148        debug_assert!(!size.is_null(), "`null` pointer for non-`TrivialType` size");
149        // SAFETY: Must be guaranteed by the caller + debug check above
150        let size = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(*size) };
151        debug_assert!(ptr.is_aligned(), "Misaligned pointer");
152        {
153            let size = unsafe { size.read() };
154            debug_assert!(
155                size <= capacity,
156                "Size {size} must not exceed capacity {capacity}"
157            );
158            debug_assert_eq!(
159                size % Element::SIZE,
160                0,
161                "Size {size} is invalid for element size {}",
162                Element::SIZE
163            );
164        }
166        DerefWrapper(Self {
167            elements: *ptr,
168            size,
169            capacity,
170        })
171    }
173    #[inline(always)]
174    unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> impl Deref<Target = NonNull<Self::PointerType>> {
175        &self.elements
176    }
178    #[inline(always)]
179    unsafe fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> impl DerefMut<Target = NonNull<Self::PointerType>> {
180        &mut self.elements
181    }
184impl<Element, const RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION: u32> IoTypeOptional
185    for VariableElements<Element, RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION>
187    Element: TrivialType,
191impl<Element, const RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION: u32> VariableElements<Element, RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION>
193    Element: TrivialType,
195    /// Create a new shared instance from provided memory buffer.
196    ///
197    /// NOTE: size is specified in bytes, not elements.
198    ///
199    /// # Panics
200    /// Panics if `buffer.len * Element::SIZE() != size`
201    //
202    // `impl Deref` is used to tie lifetime of returned value to inputs, but still treat it as a
203    // shared reference for most practical purposes.
204    #[track_caller]
205    pub const fn from_buffer<'a>(
206        buffer: &'a [<Self as IoType>::PointerType],
207        size: &'a u32,
208    ) -> impl Deref<Target = Self> + 'a {
209        debug_assert!(
210            buffer.len() * Element::SIZE as usize == *size as usize,
211            "Invalid size"
212        );
213        // TODO: Use `debug_assert_eq` when it is available in const environment
214        // debug_assert_eq!(buffer.len(), *size as usize, "Invalid size");
216        DerefWrapper(Self {
217            elements: NonNull::new(buffer.as_ptr().cast_mut()).expect("Not null; qed"),
218            size: NonNull::from_ref(size),
219            capacity: *size,
220        })
221    }
223    /// Create a new exclusive instance from provided memory buffer.
224    ///
225    /// # Panics
226    /// Panics if `buffer.len() * Element::SIZE != size`
227    //
228    // `impl DerefMut` is used to tie lifetime of returned value to inputs, but still treat it as an
229    // exclusive reference for most practical purposes.
230    #[track_caller]
231    pub fn from_buffer_mut<'a>(
232        buffer: &'a mut [<Self as IoType>::PointerType],
233        size: &'a mut u32,
234    ) -> impl DerefMut<Target = Self> + 'a {
235        debug_assert_eq!(
236            buffer.len() * Element::SIZE as usize,
237            *size as usize,
238            "Invalid size"
239        );
241        DerefWrapper(Self {
242            elements: NonNull::new(buffer.as_mut_ptr()).expect("Not null; qed"),
243            size: NonNull::from_mut(size),
244            capacity: *size,
245        })
246    }
248    /// Create a new shared instance from provided memory buffer.
249    ///
250    /// NOTE: size is specified in bytes, not elements.
251    ///
252    /// # Panics
253    /// Panics if `size > CAPACITY` or `size % Element::SIZE != 0`
254    //
255    // `impl Deref` is used to tie lifetime of returned value to inputs, but still treat it as a
256    // shared reference for most practical purposes.
257    // TODO: Change `usize` to `u32` once stabilized `generic_const_exprs` feature allows us to do
258    //  `CAPACITY as usize`
259    #[track_caller]
260    pub fn from_uninit<'a, const CAPACITY: usize>(
261        uninit: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<<Self as IoType>::PointerType>; CAPACITY],
262        size: &'a mut u32,
263    ) -> impl DerefMut<Target = Self> + 'a {
264        debug_assert!(
265            *size as usize <= CAPACITY,
266            "Size {size} must not exceed capacity {CAPACITY}"
267        );
268        debug_assert_eq!(
269            *size % Element::SIZE,
270            0,
271            "Size {size} is invalid for element size {}",
272            Element::SIZE
273        );
274        let capacity = CAPACITY as u32;
276        DerefWrapper(Self {
277            elements: NonNull::new(MaybeUninit::slice_as_mut_ptr(uninit)).expect("Not null; qed"),
278            size: NonNull::from_mut(size),
279            capacity,
280        })
281    }
283    // Size in bytes
284    #[inline(always)]
285    pub const fn size(&self) -> u32 {
286        // SAFETY: guaranteed to be initialized by constructors
287        unsafe { self.size.read() }
288    }
290    /// Capacity in bytes
291    #[inline(always)]
292    pub fn capacity(&self) -> u32 {
293        self.capacity
294    }
296    /// Number of elements
297    #[inline(always)]
298    pub const fn count(&self) -> u32 {
299        // SAFETY: guaranteed to be initialized by constructors
300        unsafe { self.size.read() }
301    }
303    /// Try to get access to initialized elements
304    #[inline(always)]
305    pub const fn get_initialized(&self) -> &[Element] {
306        let size = self.size();
307        let ptr = self.elements.as_ptr();
308        // SAFETY: guaranteed by constructor and explicit methods by the user
309        unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, (size / Element::SIZE) as usize) }
310    }
312    /// Try to get exclusive access to initialized `Data`, returns `None` if not initialized
313    #[inline(always)]
314    pub fn get_initialized_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Element] {
315        let size = self.size();
316        let ptr = self.elements.as_ptr();
317        // SAFETY: guaranteed by constructor and explicit methods by the user
318        unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, (size / Element::SIZE) as usize) }
319    }
321    /// Append some elements by using more of allocated, but currently unused elements.
322    ///
323    /// `true` is returned on success, but if there isn't enough unused elements left, `false` is.
324    #[inline(always)]
325    #[must_use = "Operation may fail"]
326    pub fn append(&mut self, elements: &[Element]) -> bool {
327        let size = self.size();
328        if elements.len() * Element::SIZE as usize + size as usize > self.capacity as usize {
329            return false;
330        }
332        // May overflow, which is not allowed
333        let Ok(offset) = isize::try_from(size / Element::SIZE) else {
334            return false;
335        };
337        // SAFETY: allocation range and offset are checked above, the allocation itself is
338        // guaranteed by constructors
339        let mut start = unsafe { self.elements.offset(offset) };
340        // SAFETY: Alignment is the same, writing happens in properly allocated memory guaranteed by
341        // constructors, number of elements is checked above, Rust ownership rules will prevent any
342        // overlap here (creating reference to non-initialized part of allocation would already be
343        // undefined behavior anyway)
344        unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(elements.as_ptr(), start.as_mut(), elements.len()) }
346        true
347    }
349    /// Truncate internal initialized bytes to this size.
350    ///
351    /// Returns `true` on success or `false` if `new_size` is larger than [`Self::size()`] or not a
352    /// multiple of `Element::SIZE`.
353    #[inline(always)]
354    #[must_use = "Operation may fail"]
355    pub fn truncate(&mut self, new_size: u32) -> bool {
356        if new_size > self.size() || new_size % Element::SIZE != 0 {
357            return false;
358        }
360        // SAFETY: guaranteed to be initialized by constructors
361        unsafe {
362            self.size.write(new_size);
363        }
365        true
366    }
368    /// Copy contents from another instance.
369    ///
370    /// Returns `false` if actual capacity of the instance is not enough to copy contents of `src`
371    #[inline(always)]
372    #[must_use = "Operation may fail"]
373    pub fn copy_from(&mut self, src: &Self) -> bool {
374        let src_size = src.size();
375        if src_size > self.capacity {
376            return false;
377        }
379        // SAFETY: `src` can't be the same as `&mut self` if invariants of constructor arguments
380        // were upheld, size is checked to be within capacity above
381        unsafe {
382            self.elements
383                .copy_from_nonoverlapping(src.elements, src_size as usize);
384            self.size.write(src_size);
385        }
387        true
388    }
390    /// Get exclusive access to the underlying pointer with no checks.
391    ///
392    /// Can be used for initialization with [`Self::assume_init()`] called afterward to confirm how
393    /// many bytes are in use right now.
394    #[inline(always)]
395    pub fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> &mut NonNull<Element> {
396        &mut self.elements
397    }
399    /// Cast a shared reference to this instance into a reference to an instance of a different
400    /// recommended allocation
401    #[inline(always)]
402    pub fn cast_ref<const DIFFERENT_RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION: u32>(
403        &self,
404    ) -> &VariableElements<Element, DIFFERENT_RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION> {
405        // SAFETY: `VariableElements` has a fixed layout due to `#[repr(C)]`, which doesn't depend
406        // on recommended allocation
407        unsafe {
408            NonNull::from_ref(self)
409                .cast::<VariableElements<Element, DIFFERENT_RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION>>()
410                .as_ref()
411        }
412    }
414    /// Cast an exclusive reference to this instance into a reference to an instance of a different
415    /// recommended allocation
416    #[inline(always)]
417    pub fn cast_mut<const DIFFERENT_RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION: u32>(
418        &mut self,
419    ) -> &mut VariableElements<Element, DIFFERENT_RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION> {
420        // SAFETY: `VariableElements` has a fixed layout due to `#[repr(C)]`, which doesn't depend
421        // on recommended allocation
422        unsafe {
423            NonNull::from_mut(self)
424                .cast::<VariableElements<Element, DIFFERENT_RECOMMENDED_ALLOCATION>>()
425                .as_mut()
426        }
427    }
429    /// Assume that the first `size` are initialized and can be read.
430    ///
431    /// Returns `Some(initialized_elements)` on success or `None` if `size` is larger than its
432    /// capacity or not a multiple of `Element::SIZE`.
433    ///
434    /// # Safety
435    /// Caller must ensure `size` is actually initialized
436    #[inline(always)]
437    #[must_use = "Operation may fail"]
438    pub unsafe fn assume_init(&mut self, size: u32) -> Option<&mut [Element]> {
439        if size > self.capacity || size % Element::SIZE != 0 {
440            return None;
441        }
443        // SAFETY: guaranteed to be initialized by constructors
444        unsafe {
445            self.size.write(size);
446        }
447        Some(self.get_initialized_mut())
448    }